Friday 8 January 2016

January Journaling Prompt - week 2

If one of your goal is to start journaling this year, welcome aboard! I am also making an effort to get back into journaling regularly. Let’s do this together, shall we? When it comes to journaling I don’t really have any set of rules, whatever comes, be it writing, doodling (one of my fav), collage, writing down quotes I picked up, songs, lofty and tiny dreams, big and small ideas, anything gives, and I love it that way.  And I don’t really bother with spelling or grammar as well because umm… I know I’m not perfect in the language department. My journal is a mix of everything. If you choose to keep a journal, know that your journal is a safe place for you to express yourself and no one is judging you and hey, be sure not to judge yourself either. It’s a place of letting go (literally, you are letting go what's in your heart and mind and beyond that), of re-discovering yourself, a place of healing, soul searching and also a place of FUN! Journaling is my way of relaxing as well, a few minutes a day or a weekend just completely being with my muse.

If you simply don’t know how to start, well in 2016 I’ll give you (and myself) weekly journaling prompts to get us started. Sounds good?

This week’s journaling prompts is “Your Word of the Year 2016”. Choose a word that you wish to live by and that can carry you through the year. I have been doing this practise since 2007 and I can tell you it has changed my life. It is all about living with intention. What is your intention for this year? I do this yearly with some of my closest friends and I have seen changes in their lives too, here are some of their words for 2016 – “connect”, “flourish”, “calm” just to name a few. Write your word of the year down and expand on that, why do you choose that word, how do you want your life to be this year? How this word can help you accomplish what you wish to achieve? If you don’t know how, doesn’t matter, just start writing and the words will come. If you still find it hard, play around on the pages, as with everything, it takes practise to warm up that journaling muscle. 

My word of the year 2016 is “Prosper”. I have been working very hard on my business for a few years now and it has its ups and downs, so this year my intention is to work smarter and hopefully my little business will be able to grow and prosper and give me a reliable source of income.  

So this weekend, pick up a new journal, it can be a simple exercise book from the book store or you can pick something from my Etsy shop, that would be kinda nice too ;) Find a quiet place, make yourself a cup of tea, burn an incense or light a candle and lets start journaling!      

I compeleted this journal yesterday and is now in my Etsy shop. A shibori journal with a ceramic button. A new journal for the new year. 

Happy journaling! 

"Words have power? That sounds like you’re into some Harry Potter juju." – Chloe Neill 


  1. An enjoyable, and interesting, post. I like the word prosper and hope that your business does indeed thrive. Flighty xx

  2. Good ideas and tips Alison. I hope you and your business do prosper. Now I'm going to put some thought into my word of the year 2016. Adele

    1. Thanks Adele, I'd love to hear what your word for 2016 if you would like to share.x


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